LOL, 你能读懂了吗?还在洗地。这是说我说的NTSB给中国它的分析结果,"The plane did what it was told to do by someone in the cockpit," NTSB是提供结果给CAAC。 你厉害国的事故当然是你厉害国调查。NTSB不会去发布事故调查,是劫机还是自杀由你CAAC调查公布,NTSB不会下结论。 但你CAAC要是怪到飞机的问题, 那是会被打脸的。
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) started assisting CAAC in its investigation into the crash of MU5735 on April 1, and has not released any updates or statements on its involvement in the investigation since then.
"Under the provisions of the International Civil Aviation Organization Annex 13, the NTSB is participating in the CAAC’s investigation of the China Eastern B-737 accident. Those provisions also stipulate that the authority in charge of the investigation, in this case the CAAC, release all investigative information," a representative for the NTSB told Avionics International in an emailed statement.