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评论人:roadshark [☆★蓑笠翁寒江雪★☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年08月02日 23:35:16 【回复】
确实火出圈了! 各大主流媒体都在报道。
10  2 
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评论人:roadshark [☆★蓑笠翁寒江雪★☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年08月03日 10:19:52 【回复】
Forget Trump's indictments. We should be worried about China's man-bear hybrids.---USA Today
It's clear the Chinese plan to use human/bear hybrids to spread propaganda
I know a covert bear cover-up when I see one. And if you ask me, this goes way deeper than just some Hangzhou Zoo intern dressed up as a sun bear. No, I think what the internet witnessed at that zoo is the first clear sign that China has created a human/bear hybrid that it will use to infiltrate our zoos and forests, spreading communism and stealing our precious American pic-a-nic baskets and whatnot.


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