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评论人:superspider [☆中国形象大使☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年06月08日 20:58:42 【回复】
 回复55楼:自己把谷歌打开随便搜一下 DIABETE TYPE I INSULIN STEM CELL THERAPY. 我给你拷贝两个在这里:
...Of 17 patients who received implants, 35 per cent showed signs in their blood of insulin production after meals within six months of the implant, and 63 per cent had evidence of insulin production inside the implant devices when they were removed after a year.
VX-880 are stem cell-derived, insulin-producing islet cells...In the new study, all six people treated with VX-880 had improved glycemic control, as shown by elimination of severe low blood sugar reactions, improved HbA1c (a snapshot of blood sugar levels over time), and the amount of time their blood sugar levels were in the recommended range within three months.
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评论人:意见没 [★品衔R6★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年06月08日 21:37:03 【回复】
没时间仔细研究对比(俺不是这领域的,是搞芯片及人工智能的),但俺有个疑问:为什么中国的这项成果会值得让国际知名媒体报道出来(比如这里:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13464941/chinese-patient-diabetes-cure-stem-cells.html)? 为什么英国哥伦比亚大学的教授Timothy Kieffer说这成果是“糖尿病细胞治疗领域取得的重要进展”?


新闻评论原文:陆媒:美国胰岛素产业的丧钟 被中国敲响了!(组图)
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