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评论人:buleguy [♂☆要往死里打狗☆♂] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年06月17日 6:50:31 【回复】
 回复59楼:The AGM-158A is powered by a Teledyne CAE J402 turbojet. Before launch the wings are folded to reduce size. Upon launch the wings deploy automatically. There is a single vertical tail. Guidance is via inertial navigation with global positioning system updates. An imaging infrared seeker provides target recognition and terminal homing. A data link allows the missile to transmit its location and status during flight, allowing improved bomb damage assessment. The warhead is a WDU-42/B 1,000 lb (450 kg) penetrator。 笑你妈!
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评论人:jujubi [★品衔R5★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年06月17日 10:58:51 【回复】
There are currently two main subvariants of the stealthy AGM-158C, the C-1 (also known as LRASM 1.1), which is in service now, and the still-in-development C-3 (now also referred to as the LRASM-Extended Range or LRASM-ER). The core LRASM design is derived from that of the AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) family of land-attack cruise missiles.
The C-1 version has a reported maximum range of between 200 and 300 miles, which is in line with that of the AGM-158A JASSM. The missile uses an onboard GPS-assisted Inertial Navigation System (INS) guidance system to first get to a designated target area. LRASM has a built-in route planning capability that is highly autonomous and is linked to an onboard electronic support measures (ESM) package. This enables the missile to change its course automatically if it detects the sudden emergence of enemy defenses and to better detect potential targets by their radio-frequency emissions.
Once in the target area, the missile switches over to an imaging infrared sensor in the nose for terminal phase of flight. The seeker is designed to search for and categorize targets autonomously using data stored in a built-in threat target library database. The seeker is also capable of steering the missile to hit the ship's most vulnerable point. Since it is passive, the imaging infrared sensor does not give off radio-frequency emissions for an enemy to detect and is also immune to radio-frequency jamming.


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