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评论人:fck1234 [☆超级泡菜🐯☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年06月20日 18:13:39 【回复】
Costco 网站非常鸡肋,就是用来宰人的
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评论人:ChinaTruth [★品衔R5★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年06月20日 19:35:24 【回复】
Costco 网站有详细的解释,好像蛮合理的。看不懂就没办法了。
As you may already know, not all products sold on Costco.com are available at your local Costco warehouse. Also, products sold online may have different pricing than the same products sold at your local Costco warehouse. That’s due to the shipping and handling fees charged for delivery to your home or business. And when an item is available both online and in the warehouse, you’ll see the message, “Item may be available in your local warehouse for a lower, non-delivered price,” on its product page on Costco.com.
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新闻评论原文:Costco摊事了!华女买厕纸遭”偷偷”加价 发起集体诉讼
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