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评论人:路人丫 [★品衔R6★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年07月05日 17:11:31 【回复】
 回复14楼:呵呵。。。。“美国历届奥运冠军涉嫌兴奋剂的只有罗切特一人。有哮喘病史的也只有van dyken一人而已。现役的美国游泳队主力5大奥运冠军(德雷塞尔墨菲莱德基曼努尔莉莉金)全部没有哮喘病史,不知道美国游泳“哮喘队”的无稽之谈是从何而来的?只为了口嗨吗?相反,现役中国游泳队主力傅园慧就是哮喘病患者,中国游泳队是不是“哮喘队”?"🤣
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评论人:知名入土 [☆品衔R4☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年07月05日 23:40:46 【回复】
看得懂下面的英文吗,呵呵。Current USA Swimming National Team member Amanda Kendall has accepted a sanction for an anti-doping rules violation. She is currently serving a 3-month suspension, beginning on February 14th, 2018 – the date of the test.
On that date, during an out-of-competition sample collection conducted by the United States Anti-Doping Authority (USADA), Kendall declared the use of an inhaler called Breo Ellipta, which contains the prohibited substance vilanterol. This substance is classed as a Beta-2 Agonist, prohibited for both in-competition and out-of-competition use by the World Anti-Doping Code.
评论人:知名入土 [☆品衔R4☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年07月05日 23:34:00 【回复】


新闻评论原文:美国对中国23名涉药泳将开启刑事调查 国际泳联收传票
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