《Philosophie intrinsèque des principes de conception originaux dans le noyau | Intrinsic Philosophy of Original Design Principles in the Kernel》
Since the intrinsic philosophy of original design principles in the kernel of ❗️Linux/Unix vs the kernel of MS-Windows are fundamentally different, it’s never a wise idea to deploy global tier、enterprise tier infrastructure upon MS-Windows related;
MS-Windows related infrastructures better stay at devision/department tier, co-located with Linux/Unix at the same tier..
Never forget what ❗️Linus Torvalds has been contributing to this vast world Ubiquitously, Universally.
For more details, see
🌴🌳🌲 https://HugoAujourdhui.org/blogs/hugoaujourdhui/hugo-creaders-archive-index ☞ 🌲 ★【Unix & Linux】 Why {Unix, Linux} operating system does not age? ☞ 🌿 ☞ 🍃 🍃 🍃
Victor Universel Labo - VUL - 飞鸥实验室
V1.000.2024-07-19, 1989-06-04.
Nice, Côte d'Azur、Paris, France
Image: UNIX plate.
Long long time ago, I got this precious UNIX plate from Hewlett-Packed Lab in Cupertino, Silicon Valley, California