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评论人:扶风 [★品衔R6★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年08月15日 15:09:13 【回复】
不要忘了 EverGreen 还有航运和航空,房地产。。既然有了反分裂法,可以像美国一样进行全面贸易制裁,禁止所有企业和 EverGreen 集团发生贸易关系。也不要给 EverGreen 造船,或者直接学英国直接在海上扣留 EverGreen 的船。。
79  3 
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评论人:changjiangren [品衔R2☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年08月15日 20:13:14 【回复】
My college classmate has worked for Evergreen shipping in shanghai for many years before he set up his own forward business. It is important to attract all the major Taiwan companies to invest heavily in mainland and having their business deeply vested here. Forming a coalition with major economic players on the island proves to be vital before We determine to take over Taiwan. Seduction through a carrot is more effective than holding a big stick when dealing with a Multinational corporation.


新闻评论原文:拒挂五星红旗的长荣桂冠酒店致歉 携程美团下架抵制(图)
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