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评论人:路人丫丫 [☆品衔R4☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年09月10日 19:25:29 【回复】
In the United States, the principle that "a person is not considered finally guilty until all appeals are exhausted" mainly applies to criminal cases, as these involve personal freedoms, rights, and government-imposed penalties such as imprisonment, fines, or even the death penalty. Criminal cases have a higher standard of proof, known as "beyond a reasonable doubt," and the defendant has more procedural rights, including the right to appeal a verdict.
For civil cases, including civil fraud cases, the situation is somewhat different. While parties can appeal a ruling after losing a case and the judgment is not immediately final, civil cases do not involve personal freedom, so the execution of the judgment is not entirely suspended during the appeal process. For example: Initial Judgment: In a civil case, if a party loses, the court may order them to pay damages or take other remedial actions.
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评论人:克拉军规 [☆大司马大将军☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年09月10日 19:37:32 【回复】
你的脑包太大了。 完全是理解无能啊。
自己用“trump appeal process”去搜吧,前面几个结果,拿走不送。


新闻评论原文:奥巴马轰川普爱咆哮又笨拙 川普罕见赞扬他:好绅士(图)
暂 时 还 没 有 上 榜 的 热 门 点 评

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