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评论人:Blackeyes [☆笑而不语☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年09月19日 11:00:40 【回复】
159  45 
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评论人:飘风振海 [☆冠军侯大司马☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年09月19日 11:45:47 【回复】
You are talking about brainwash, but Israel contributes to this brainwash also by killing. More killings lead to more hate, and created more HAMAS or Hezbollah, unless the jews can't kill them all, but it`s impossible.
27  1  


新闻评论原文:以色列遭国际社会谴责:国家恐怖主义 应被制裁(组图)
本文热评:0评论:飘风振海[☆冠军侯大司马☆] 09月19日 11:45:47 26赞 1踩 0评  》》》查看0楼点评详情
You are talking about brainwash, but Israel contributes to this brainwash also by killing. More killings lead to more hate, and created more HAMAS or Hezbollah, unless the jews can't kill them all, but it`s impossible.

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