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评论人:lkhuyu [品衔R2☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年10月22日 12:39:09 【回复】
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评论人:flapjack [品衔R2☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2024年10月22日 13:16:24 【回复】
How long does the IRS keep your tax records?
I worked for the IRS in the 1990s everything was stored on magnetic tape. I know that’s extremely outdated, even then, but that's what the manual says to do, and everything has to be done according to the manual. And it literally takes an acts of Congress to change the manual..
We only kept records going back 10 years. Or If the information is part of an ongoing investigation, they are kept for 10 years after the case is closed.
The window of our break room overlooked the loading dock. If my break was timed right, I used to watch as every Friday an armored truck marked “U.S. Army” arrived. 4 soldiers got out. 2 loaded boxes and 2 armed soldiers stod watch. They took away all our tapes and physical files that were 10 years old. They take them somewhere where things go in, but they don't come out. I was told noone is even allowed to enter, unless they are putting things in. Even then they are only given enough time to put things in and leave.
They used to tell us: “That file has already been sent to Yucca mountain” but I doubt that is the actual place they sent them


新闻评论原文:麦当劳自称不红不蓝是金色 没有哈里斯打工记录(组图)
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