这谁瞎编的故事啊? XD
Santonin was developed in the 1830s by German chemists by extracting the chemical from Artemisia cina, a plant from Turkmenistan. At the time Artemisia was often used as an antihelminthic remedy, and as a perennial it was widely accessible. A common remedy at the time used an infusion of 5–10 g herb in 500 ml water. Castor oil could be used to help the expulsion process. It was reported that by 1843 candy lozenges were available in Germany which contained santonin.
Santonin was used from the mid-19th century to the 1950s as an anthelminthic, typically administered with a purgative. Santonin was used in treatment of infestation by the roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides and in ascarid parasitoses in general (including threadworm parasitosis).