回复19楼:Some people just love to mock China for learning this and copying that, like no matter how much progress we make, they’ll always have something to say. But honestly, doing something is better than doing nothing, right? Better than staying behind forever. Whether it’s a business model or a product, it’s always the same process: copy it, figure it out, then innovate and surpass. Let those loudmouths keep yapping—we’ll just do our thing. Like the saying goes, “The monkeys on the mountains won’t stop howling, but the boat’s already sailed past all the mountains.”那些脑残总是笑话中国学这个学那个,复制这个复制那个,言下之意,不管中国进步有多大,总是抵不过它们那张臭嘴,做了总比不做好,总比一直落后强吧,任何商业模式不管任何产品,先模仿,先掌握,再推陈出新,青出于蓝胜于蓝,任何事情难道不都是如此吗?看吧,都是那些贱嘴八舌的货色,做自己想做的事情让那些乌鸦过聒噪去吧,有道是,"两岸猿生啼不住,轻舟已过万重山"。