呵呵 你知道为什么数据帝不回应高铁问题吗?
因为中国高铁20年给中国的经济效益是乘数效益,而且中国高铁本身的盈利也是每年8% (世界银行)
“A key factor keeping costs down is the standardization of designs and procedures. The construction cost of the Chinese high-speed rail network, at an average of $17 million to $21 million per km, is about two-thirds of the cost in other countries.
The study also looks into the economic benefits of HSR services. The rate of return of China’s network as of 2015 is estimated at 8 percent, well above the opportunity cost of capital in China and most other countries for major long-term infrastructure investments. Benefits include shortened travel times, improved safety and facilitation of labor mobility, and tourism. High-speed networks also reduce operating costs, accidents, highway congestion, and greenhouse gas emissions as some air and auto travelers switch to rail.”
“China’s Experience with High Speed Rail Offers Lessons for Other Countries”
world bank eeport,2019