“It’s becoming harder to deceive Chinese people,” Wei said. “Scammers have instead started to turn their attention to Japanese, Koreans, Europeans, and Americans.”
Many of the people who have been abducted and forced to work for the scam gangs are Chinese, because the groups initially focused on stealing from people in China. But the gangs’ targets have expanded internationally. In the United States, the F.B.I. reported that in 2022, Americans lost more than $2 billion to “pig butchering” and other investment scams. Increasingly, people from India, the Philippines and more than a dozen other countries have also been trafficked to work for scam gangs, prompting Interpol to declare the trend a global security threat.
[5楼]评论人:lucybee [☆★仙武帝尊★☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2025年01月11日 3:37:09 【回复】
要是美国 ,早就出兵了,还是带着几个兄弟,浩浩荡荡杀向缅甸,直接推翻缅甸腐败独裁,建立一个新缅甸。