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[4楼]评论人:怪叔叔的大发现 [★中央特派员★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2025年01月23日 10:44:46 【回复】
[3楼]评论人:han89012 [☆品衔R4☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2025年01月23日 8:19:22 【回复】
哈哈哈 李嘉诚反华反倒最后 还是被当成华人来打击。
[2楼]评论人:深圳足球 [☆徐州铁链☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2025年01月23日 5:27:55 【回复】
[1楼]评论人:roadshark [☆★蓑笠翁寒江雪★☆] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2025年01月23日 3:04:06 【回复】
1996 年,巴拿马授予当时名为和记黄埔的香港公司特许权,经营太平洋一侧的巴尔博亚港和大西洋一侧的克里斯托瓦尔港。合同并未授予和记黄埔港口所有权,但允许其代表巴拿马政府经营这些港口,此公司是李嘉诚旗下香港企业集团长江和记的子公司,跟中国政府没关系。
Trump says China is ‘operating’ the Panama Canal – here are the facts---The Guardian
In 1996, Panama granted a Hong Kong company, then called Hutchison-Whampoa, a concession to operate the Balboa port, on the Pacific side, and Cristobal port, on the Atlantic side. The contract did not give Hutchison-Whampoa ownership of the ports but allowed it to operate them on behalf of the government of Panama.
The port operator is today known as Hutchison Ports, a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings, owned by billionaire Li Ka-shing.
In 1999 the US state department said in response to the awarding of the concessions to Hutchison-Whampoa that its officials had researched the issue extensively and “have not uncovered any evidence to support a conclusion that the People’s Republic of China will be in a position to control canal operations”.


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