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评论人:西林东渡 [♂☆★★军委中央总厨★★☆♂] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2025年02月06日 17:40:58 【回复】
美军战略轰炸机飞越黄岩岛的消息,菲美等国媒体都有报道。用“US Philippine B-1 bombers Scarborough”关键词可以搜到几十篇。这是其中一篇,懂英文自己看:
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — U.S. and Philippine fighter aircraft staged a joint patrol and training Tuesday over a disputed South China Sea shoal where Chinese fighter jets fired flares last year to drive away a Philippine aircraft, Philippine officials said.
The joint patrol and air-intercept drills over the hotly disputed Scarborough Shoal off the northwestern Philippines were the first by the longtime treaty allies since U.S. President Donald Trump took office again.
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评论人:abe868 [★专逗犬粮★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2025年02月06日 18:37:07 【回复】
噗,参加了短暂的巡逻和训练,是怎么被你们黄皮犬粮大殖子看成飞跃黄岩岛的? 是你们英文不好阿,还是意淫为主阿?🤣
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