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新闻来源: 今涛拍案 于2023-01-15 1:01:09  提示:新闻观点不代表本网立场



越南网友Thang Luu的回答

I am a Vietnamese who can eat dog meat at will. Usually, my friends and I eat dog meat at a party because it is delicious (there is no religious or monetary issue here). Just because dogs are regarded as "friends" in some groups, it is hypocritical to ask us to stop eating dog meat. They should take care of themselves first. In addition, in addition to eating dog meat, there are many other countries that should receive the same attention, such as:


• Whaling in Japan


• Canadian Seal Club


• Large-scale whaling in the Faroe Islands


• Spanish bullfighting


I'm sure my eating habits will not affect anyone, but some of the above customs have a negative impact on the environment (and many people). But as far as I know, Japan, the United States and Europe have no one to stop them. Why? Is it because these behaviors happen in your own home and have become normal? Or is there too much interest involved to make people avoid its criticism?


People always try to justify their actions while judging others. I won't stop eating my favorite food because some people I don't know on the internet don't like it!


So, what good way can people in these countries stop eating dog meat instead of promoting dog meat culture? I don't know about China and South Korea, but there are many working methods in Vietnam:


• Go to Vietnam, cooperate with Vietnamese, conduct business with them, and make them rich. Most of the consumers of dog meat are poor or middle and low income people (including myself). Although they may not stop eating dog meat now, if they become rich, their children will probably not follow their habits.


• In the short term, try to use your economic influence to prevent people from doing so step by step. First of all, the Vietnamese government is urged to take more measures to combat dog stealing. Then, when the time is ripe, perhaps five or ten years later, it will cause the final blow to the consumption of dogs. Although people will not stop eating, they can only eat illegally, which is enough.


But are you willing to take action in addition to verbal condemnation? We will wait and see.



Sure, but first of all, let's stop eating pigs, cows and chickens.


I am an Indian. For Hindus, cattle are sacred. Can you imagine that if religious activists in India launch active campaigns and lobbying to governments around the world to stop the consumption of cattle and talk about how to stop the dazzling food plan of preparing beef, can you think of what people think of this matter? Not only people who don't eat meat, but also many Indians find it disgusting.


Westerners can eat whatever they want. (The French eat frog feet or foie gras, but I don't see anyone clamoring for it.) Export this kind of food, and then force the Orientals to give up their traditional cooking practices and respect French food. What is the difference between the two?


Why? Because whatever the West does is cooler?


Is this too hypocritical?


Either we should proceed from the consistent view of cruelty to animals, or we should treat animals equally and not do so at all. We cannot block the legitimate rights of others because some animals are cute and hurt your compassion. We cannot choose a perspective that is only suitable for our culture and views.



"I don't agree with what you said, but I will defend your right to say it to the death."


My answer: I don't know. I never eat dog meat myself. I actually refuse to eat dog meat. I am based on the assumption that dogs or any animals have not been abused before being slaughtered, nor have they been involved in criminal activities (such as pet theft).


I don't know why people are so obsessed with this dog-eating debate. Let me explain my confusion from the most common reason why people should not eat dogs.


Dogs are our friends. Yes, dogs are your friends. To others, they are just food. However, I have to say that although we have no problem eating farm dogs, I am totally opposed to eating stolen pet dogs.


2. The dog is very cute. It's too unfair to these lovely things


3. Dogs are smart enough not to be used as food. As far as I know, there are other farm animals, even if they are not smarter than ordinary dogs. For example, pigs, cows, sheep and goats. You can even find some species in the aquarium, such as octopus and whale.


4. It is not safe to eat dog meat without safety quarantine. Similarly, if these dogs are raised on the farm and properly isolated, I don't think this is a problem.


5. Eating dogs only makes people feel sick. In some religions, eating beef or pork is also offensive, so what? I bet those who oppose dog meat must be loyal fans of the meat.


6. I understand how shocked you are when you suddenly find that your pet is edible to people on the other side of the earth, and it does not conform to your moral system. But you must understand that people who eat dogs may also feel angry because someone tells them what they can eat or can't eat in half the world, because this is their traditional food.


We are all the same, we are all different. Let us highlight common interests, maintain differences and make it a peaceful world.



No, because we are not responsible for regulating what other countries eat or do not eat.


This is just like the people in the Middle East asking the western world to stop eating pork and using pig products. They should not impose their own culture on the rest of the world. I often feel that animal rights groups that try to impose Western values on other countries are similar to religious fundamentalists who try to impose their own views on other cultures of our people.


Another example may be that the western world does not eat beef to please the Hindu residents in the western world. The point is that every culture has many taboos. In the western world, eating dogs, cats and insects is regarded as a nuisance. If we follow every taboo, I'm afraid we can't eat too much.


In western culture, some countries also eat animals that others don't like. Perhaps the most noteworthy is the Norwegian people who eat whales. Another example is that radical vegetarians often try to make the rest of us feel guilty and prevent us from eating all meat.


I think we must admit that in the world, people do consume food that makes some people feel unhappy, we also eat food that other cultures do not like, different cultures will eat different types of food that we may feel sick, and we need to be more tolerant. What we need to do is try to inherit our own food culture. If other countries want to eat dog meat, I think we should not interfere.


Ironically, if dog meat is legalized, it will be safer to eat dog meat. The risk of food poisoning will be reduced because it will be legal and subject to the supervision and supervision of the food inspection agency. Standards for humane treatment of animals can be formulated and checked.


Freedom of speech does not mean that you or most people can force others/a few people to believe what you believe... or accuse others of not following your logic, as long as they do not break the law.


I live my life and you live your life. We should look for a minimum set of laws and virtues so that both can live, instead of trying to eliminate everything with the laws or virtues that you and I think are "supreme". If people try the latter solution, it is the beginning of disputes and wars. There are too many examples of such avoidable tragedies in history.



No, they shouldn't.


I think Westerners think dogs and cats deserve their love and care, while cattle, pigs and chickens are not. They believe that dogs are superior to other animals, kill other animals and feed pet dogs with their meat.


Some people judge animals according to their appearance and their interaction with humans, and treat them differently. These people accuse dog eaters because they like their false sense of standing on the moral high ground, and are willing to think that they are morally superior, because they only eat what they think is not so cute, not so smart or not so pleasing.


Personally, I think people should choose their pets and eat freely. Some people like to eat fish, others hate to eat fish. All this is fair. If some people have a goldfish as their pet, this does not mean that it is immoral for others to eat fish. If some people have a Chihuahua, it is not immoral for others to eat another kind of dog bread specially developed for their meat.


Different cultures have their own cooking traditions. Saudi Arabia and other countries will not agree to eat pigs. If they force others to stop eating pork, what would you say? Keep your faith. Don't impose your beliefs on others.


Some cultures have established emotional ties with dogs. They regard dogs as their pets and companions. There are other cultures that have no such connection with dogs. All this is fair. We should all accept our differences and admit that different people can eat different foods. If you can't accept these differences, it will only make you a narrow-minded and righteous paranoid.


海外网友Lkebe Sadao的回答

Whenever there are questions about the ethics of dog meat on Quora, I can't help rolling my eyes at many critics, The dog meat trade in Asia is terrible and inevitable. The international response to countries that allow such trade is very poor. However, through better regulation of the industry, the prevailing cruelty cannot be eliminated. Any attempt to demand humane standards will not work here, because dogs are not animals that can be "raised" efficiently and humanely at the same time.


Due to the protein requirements of dog meat, veterinary requirements and the huge health risks associated with intensive confinement, it is not cost-effective to "raise" dogs for food. Therefore, in order to make money, the dogs are kept in a dirty and diseased environment and fed with rotten human food waste and dead dogs. There is no doubt that the meat of any animal raised in this way is not high-quality meat, which may bring health risks to consumers.


Although South Korea has animal welfare legislation, ostensibly making torture a criminal offence, the slaughtering method used by dog slaughterers is unimaginably cruel: puppies are usually cooked alive, older dogs are brutally hung up and beaten to death, or are brutally electrocuted and stabbed, and some are burned by people while still alive. The undercover investigation always shows the terrible picture of the living dog being dismembered, as well as other conventional forms of torture. This is a depraved anti-social behavior that should not be tolerated, but local government officials have turned a blind eye to it.


Killing a dog with metal utensils is not "culture" by any definition, but a dog-eating sympathizer on Quora always seems to say, "Well, what's the difference between the way we slaughter pigs and the way we slaughter dogs.


In addition, pet dogs have been stolen frequently and sold to the dog meat trade through the black market channels in Southeast Asia.


As I wrote elsewhere in Quora, the unique evolutionary and biological relationship between dogs and us distinguishes this species from other animals that we may choose to eat.


Dogs and humans share a history of 30000 years. They are the only animals on the earth that really exist by making friends with humans. Therefore, the dog's brain is specifically connected to the connection with humans - reading and interpreting our faces, sounds, gestures, words, emotions, making eye contact with us, and seeking our comfort and companionship.


It is also worth noting that when dogs stare into our eyes, they will activate the hormonal response in our brain, which connects mothers and babies.


More than 30000 years ago, the special bond between dogs and humans has continued to this day, which also explains why dogs are known as "human's best friend". Hundreds of millions of people around the world cherish dogs because of their companionship, service and loyalty, and their unparalleled contributions to modern civilization: improving the quality of life of blind people, deaf and dumb adults and children; Detection of human cancer; Remind patients with diabetes and epilepsy about to attack; Comfort those who are depressed, lonely, anxious, scared, injured or bereaved; Provide life-saving assistance for law enforcement, search and rescue and the army; Protect wildlife habitat from poachers and invasive species; In many other cases, dogs have a special place in our lives.


When defending the cooking of dog meat as "Asian culture", this is a kind of harm to most Asians, because they believe that eating dogs is an unnecessary and inhuman anachronism and has no status in modern society.




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