逮捕嫌犯这事应该交给霉国警察,他们非常专业!他们可以出动坦克,dead or alive, 不捉拿到嫌犯绝不会罢休!参考一下1993年霉国FBI在Texas州的Waco市怎么捉拿州的那个邪教Branch Davidians就知道了:
Yes, the FBI used tanks during the 1993 Waco siege:
M-1 Abrams tanks: Two tanks were used
Bradley armored personnel carriers: Seven vehicles were used
Combat engineering vehicles: Four 54-ton vehicles were used
Maintenance recovery vehicle: A tracked vehicle was used
Tear gas: Combat engineering vehicles were used to pump tear gas into the compound
Ramming: The FBI began ramming tanks into the compound on the morning of April 19, 1993
The siege ended in a deadly fire that killed over 80 people, including children.