回复119楼:Look at this, just asked.
The number of Indigenous (American Indian, Alaska Native, and other Indigenous peoples of the Americas) lives lost due to violence, war, disease, and displacement since European colonization is difficult to determine with precision. However, historians estimate that:
1. Pre-Colonization Population: Estimates suggest that there were between 10 million to 60 million Indigenous people in the Americas before 1492.
2. Deaths from Disease: European-introduced diseases (smallpox, measles, influenza, etc.) were the leading cause of death, wiping out 50-90% of many Indigenous populations.
3. Wars, Massacres, and Forced Displacement: Millions of Indigenous people were killed through direct violence, including:
• The Indian Wars (17th–19th century)
• Trail of Tears (1830s)
• California Genocide (1840s–1870s)
• Wounded Knee Massacre (1890)
• Other forced relocations and systemic violence.
Estimated Death Toll
• Low estimates: Around 5–10 million Indigenous deaths.
• Higher estimates: Up to 50–100 million, considering all causes, including disease.
Ongoing Impact
• Systematic policies of assimilation, forced sterilization, and loss of land and culture have continued to impact Indigenous populations even today.
Would you like more details on specific events or sources for these estimates?