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新闻来源: 今涛拍案 于2023-01-30 23:25:12  提示:新闻观点不代表本网立场




Generally speaking, Japanese people have different views on China.


Historically, Japan has learned a lot from China and adopted many Chinese cultures, customs and practices, especially in the Tang Dynasty. Japan actually imports Tang culture wholesale and regards it as its own culture. These include:


• Chinese characters


• Religion (Buddhism, from India)


• Food and edible utensils (such as tofu, braised fish and chopsticks)


• Clothing


• Urban layout (the ancient city of Nara is actually a smaller version of Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, which was the largest metropolis in the world at that time)


In those days, the Japanese really took the Chinese as their big brother. But history has been overturned. In the mid-19th century, both China and Japan were harassed by the western gunboat policy of open trade. China was basically harassed by the British Empire, while Japan was harassed by the United States. But luckily for Japan, unlike the Chinese, the Japanese were not forced to take opium.


In addition, they were lucky to have a young and enlightened Meiji emperor at the helm, while the Manchu Dynasty was ruled by a foolish and incompetent Empress Dowager Cixi. Therefore, to make a long story short, Japan accepted new ideas and did not waste time sending their brightest young people to the West to learn or copy anything they could learn, especially science, technology, industry and modern forms of government. However, Chinese society has stagnated and further fallen into disgraceful depravity, which has led to the century humiliation of Chinese people.


Therefore, in this context, the fate of China and Japan began to diverge from the end of the 19th century. Although China has actually become a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country at the mercy of the western colonial powers, Japan is rapidly industrializing and militarizing, and has become one of the colonial powers, bullying and invading China. Therefore, in 1894/5, in the first Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese Navy defeated the Manchu Navy; In 1931, the Japanese invaders planned the Mukden Incident in Manchuria; In 1937, the Japanese Empire planned a Lugouqiao incident near Beijing and officially launched a full-scale war of aggression against China. In 1945, the second Sino-Japanese War ended with the surrender of Japan.


Given this historical background, I think we should be able to explain why "Japanese people have mixed feelings when they look at China", as I mentioned at the beginning. First of all, they cannot deny that a large part of their culture comes from China. Obviously, they are proud of their heritage. However, despite this, many Japanese do not feel indebted to the Chinese because they feel that no matter what they have learned from the Chinese, they have made great progress in them: their tofu is no longer Chinese tofu, but better tofu. The same is true of ramen noodles.


Speaking of Nara, the ancient capital of Japan, this is a shortened version of Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty (about 1300 years ago). Today's Japanese people would say, "It's no big deal, Chang'an no longer exists, but Nara is still in good condition!". It's true. Clothing? It was learned from China, especially the lapel style of the cross-necked dress that the Japanese have always used. However, Chinese people don't even wear cross-necked dresses anymore! That's too bad!

说到日本古都奈良, 这是唐代都城长安的缩小版(长安) 大约1300年前,今天的日本人会理直气壮地说:“没什么大不了的,长安已经不存在了,但奈良仍然保持着良好的状态!”。这是真的。服装?是从中国学的,尤其是日本人一直沿用的交叉领连衣裙的翻领样式。但是,中国人甚至不再穿交叉领连衣裙了!真可惜!

Therefore, although Japan was a student and China was a tutor in history, when Japan defeated the Manchu in the first Sino-Japanese war in 1895, the Japanese history book described the war as the Japan-Qing war. It is obvious that Japan believes that "there is no China after the cliff, and there is no China after the fall of the Ming Dynasty". Therefore, they distorted the facts and claimed that the invasion of China was justified.


In fact, this theory is the driving force behind the overall plan of Japanese militarists to conquer China. Even today, there are still some Japanese right-wing militarists who are not willing to defeat Japan and are bent on rewriting the history of World War II. They denied the crimes of comfort women and the Nanjing Massacre. They continue to visit the Yasukuni Shrine and pay homage to 14 convicted Class A war criminals.


However, we must admit that not all Japanese try to deny history. At least Emperor Akihito expressed deep regret for the atrocities committed by Japan in World War II. I believe that most Japanese today love peace. It would be even better if Japan could imitate Germany's sincere and unconditional apology, just as her former Prime Minister Willy Brandt knelt before the monument of the former Warsaw slum. This is a historic gesture to seek forgiveness for Nazi atrocities and a symbol of reconciliation.

然而,我们必须承认,并非所有的日本人都妄图否认历史。至少明仁天皇对日本在二战中犯下的暴行表示了深深的悔恨。我相信今天的大多数日本人都热爱和平。如果日本能够效仿德国真诚、无条件的道歉,就像她的前总理威利·勃兰特(Willy Brandt)在前华沙贫民窟的纪念碑前跪下一样,那就更好了。这是对纳粹暴行寻求宽恕的历史性姿态,也是和解的象征。


For me, China is a romantic country.


I am about 40 years old now. I have often watched Chinese romantic programs on TV since I was young.


There is a "Godaigo" (Japanese rock band). They sing a song "Journey to the West". I think it is "cool".


In addition, I remember that China's "Silk Road" TV program cooperated with NHK, which was a small cultural boom in Japanese society in the 1980s.


When I grew up, I learned "漢詩" in school, "Chinese poetry". I was impressed by the incomparable beauty of the character world I have never experienced. Even now I think that Chinese characters are the most beautiful characters in the world!!


Then I saw a lot of wonderful Chinese films, and I became a fan of Chinese films.


Bernardo Betorucci's "The Last Emperor", Jackie Chan, Zhang Yimou and Wang Jiawei's films are excellent. I also found that such Chinese directors, like K-Pop, are influenced by Japanese film and television culture, such as Kurosawa. I noticed that Japanese influence is integrated into this at a higher level.


A Chinese friend of mine works part-time in a hotel in Tokyo. We imitate all kinds of politicians and stars, joke at work, and go to the hospital to take care of each other when we are ill. We are good friends.


Compared with Korean culture, Korean culture is more modern, sharp and westernized, and Chinese culture has a traditional, relaxed, sweet and sentimental feeling for me.


Even above newspapers and Quora, there are various political and historical problems between China and Japan, but as an individual, we have a sense of affinity and respect.



The younger generation of Japanese are better and like China better. These people are usually 30 or younger. I invited a young Japanese child to China. He and his sister study Chinese at school. When we arrived in Beijing and Shanghai, he was surprised at the huge, modern and beautiful buildings and streets. Therefore, I think how surprised some Japanese Buddhists would be when they entered the Tang court in Chang'an and wrote their language in Chinese characters; Or how surprised Marco Polo was in Kublai Khan's Yuan court and brought the story of the Silk Road and spaghetti back to Italy.


We cook traditional Chinese food together. Whenever he doesn't know how to pronounce, such as onions, he will use the kana keyboard to search for Japanese pronunciation. It is interesting that although we have different pronunciation, we can still recognize the same word.


I met a Japanese woman (from Tokyo) who studied Chinese at Stanford University. She said she won the first prize in some Chinese competitions. I said: Because you already know all the Chinese characters! But she said: No, I only know the tip of the iceberg! We laughed.

我遇到了一位日本女性(来自东京),她在斯坦福大学学习中文。她说她在一些中文比赛中获得了一等奖。我说:因为你已经知道所有的汉字了! 但她说:不,我知道的只是冰山一角!我们笑了。

I should mention that Japanese and Chinese women get along very well. Japanese and Chinese men also get along well.


During my work at Google, a good Japanese colleague introduced the company to me and a Chinese male colleague and invited us to eat Chinese food. The Japanese said that he likes Sichuan food best because it is very spicy. I'm not from Sichuan, but my father from the south is familiar with Sichuan cuisine. Therefore, eating brings me back to the taste of my youth. I am very happy to enjoy it with my Japanese colleagues.


The older generation over 40 is more conservative. But even they are opening up to China. Some Japanese marry Chinese, and their children usually study in Japan and China with a more global perspective. They can speak Japanese and Chinese. They regard China as their friend.


There are some very old Japanese Obasant who are actually friendly to everyone, whether Chinese or Japanese.


In fact, I think we should see the positive side. Do you know Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba? One of his biggest investors is Softbank, a Japanese company.


Yahoo founder Yang Zhiyuan married a Japanese woman; At least until now, his company has a good business performance in Japan.


In the economic field, China and Japan have become one of the world's largest bilateral trading partners. In business, there is great possibility and cooperation space.


A Japanese friend told me that Japan is going through a stage, very like a teenager, with strong psychology, so I hope that Chinese people should understand some of its behavior is quite immature. When the world leader is the United States, the Japanese will follow the American culture and input a large number of English loanwords through katakana and other ways. When the world leader is China, Japan will return to its roots in East Asia and learn more from China.


There is a question on the Japanese version of Quora: who is the biggest threat to Japan. An older generation of Japanese wrote about China. A young man asked me to answer this question. I explained that the United States is actually a bigger threat. But at this point, I don't know whether my answer alone can change the thinking of Japanese elderly people.


However, what can change the Japanese mentality is not only a simple answer, but also the strengthening of cooperation and dialogue between China and Japan, strengthening trade and cultural ties, funding more Japanese to study in China, and vice versa, and enhancing mutual respect for local customs. But most importantly, time can cure. As the new generation replaces the old one, they will pay more attention to China. The United States cannot stop Japan's inevitable wave of China.


When I went to Shanghai, I ate in a restaurant led by a Japanese chef. They cooked a lot of fish dishes for us. I can't help wondering: What are the Japanese doing in Shanghai? In the future, more Japanese will go to China, because China is very close to China. You can see the country, even find jobs and learn more about civilization and culture. With China's reform, opening-up and development, I think more Japanese will be curious about what "China" is like. Many people will be surprised that this is much better than what their biased media said.


When the Japanese economy collapsed due to the Plaza Agreement forced by the United States, and the United States led to the Asian financial crisis in 1999, who helped Japan recover? China


In this case, who is Japan's real friend: the United States or China?


Who is Japan's largest trading partner: the United States or China?


Which country do you have thousands of years of history and culture with?


The Japanese and the Chinese have jointly created a cartoon "Youth Taste", a four-style youth/詩季織々. This is a huge sign of progress.

日本人和中国人共同创作了一部名为《青春味道》的动漫肆式青春 / 詩季織々。这是一个巨大的进步迹象。

I saw some Chinese animation. Some of them are quite good, and are on par with Japanese anime. I know that many Chinese people like animation, and I think cooperation at this cultural level is a good way to promote Sino-Japanese relations.


Recently, I heard that Chinese and Japanese also like to play some video games together. Decades ago, Pokemon didn't even have a Chinese version. But with the latest Pokemon game, I see that they provide more languages, including Korean and Chinese. The Japanese understand how much money they can earn in the Chinese market with a population of 1.4 billion.


Speaking of pocket monsters, I saw the latest game "Sword and Shield". Its depiction of Asians is very interesting. The league champion (imitating the British Football League) is an Indian Briton named Leon, but his nickname is usually abbreviated as Li, an English and Chinese surname. I can't help wondering whether this kind of word game is a subtle sign that Japan is extending a helping hand to China.


Sometimes I see the Japanese openly side with the Americans against the Chinese on political or other issues. I don't know whether they are pretending or serious. If they are serious, then I'm just disappointed. But I will not let disappointment breed hatred, because I know that tomorrow will be better.


Francis Fukuyama once said that the free and democratic system of the United States is the "end of history" and the final political system that all governments will accept. After the 2008 financial crisis destroyed the American and Western economies, he changed his mind and realized that China's system has its advantages. The Chinese people will not change their system to make it exactly the same as the West. This just shows that more Japanese are aware of the advantages of Chinese culture and governance in some aspects.

弗朗西斯·福山(Francis Fukuyama)曾表示,美国的自由民主制度是“历史的终结”,是所有政府都会接受的最终政治制度。2008年金融危机摧毁了美国和西方经济后,他改变了主意,并意识到中国的制度有其优点,中国人不会改变他们的制度,使其与西方完全一样。这恰恰表明,更多的日本人正在意识到中国文化和治理的某些方面的优越性。

The younger generation of Japanese is awakening. Their prospects are more global. Many of them seek to return to their cultural roots and become friends with the Chinese. This is a gradual process. From the Tang Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese and the Chinese are friends. The Japanese like everything about China. History is returning.




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