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新闻来源: 今涛拍案 于2023-02-09 18:33:00  提示:新闻观点不代表本网立场




Since 2002, I have been working in Guangzhou and traveling extensively throughout China. From my experience, this country is very stable. Yes, there have been many negative social news, but these events have not affected the daily life of ordinary citizens.


Let's start with the basic knowledge about this country. The majority of the population has access to food and shelter at any time. Considering that the population of the country exceeds 1.4 billion, this alone is quite remarkable.


This country has very reliable energy. China's major cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, also have a very high level of infrastructure development. Public transport, such as taxis, buses and subways, is very convenient and operates well. In most cases, all these cities are quite safe.


Banking and telecommunications are both very safe and growing rapidly.


The construction and management of airports and seaports are very good. The train network and roads connect all provinces, most cities and many towns.


The country has a strong army and navy. And there is a lot of money that can be invested in all regions of the country.


Yes, there are corruption, environmental protection and other problems, and there may be some potential economic and/or political problems, but these problems will never affect the overall stability of the country.


In my opinion, China is currently one of the most stable countries in the world.



When I was in India, my understanding of China came from the western perspective. Read more books about Chinese society, and finally stayed here for a period of time, which changed my view.


The concern about China's instability comes from the stereotyped view of the western world on what a stable and well-functioning system should look like. Today, the most important needs of the Chinese people are economic development, and political autonomy and civil rights are at a higher level. People here have been trying to improve their personal life - building houses, shopping for health care, educating their children, and so on. They seem to spend less time thinking about problems outside their personal world.


Today, China's stability obviously stems from the fact that the system can continue to meet the people's greatest needs. This is due to the high growth rate of their economies. Therefore, in the future, the necessary condition for stability is China's sustained growth, which depends on China's ability to obtain resources such as fuel and raw materials for its industry and maintain the competitiveness of the export industry.


The most likely cause of instability is that the system cannot meet the current needs of the Chinese people. As more and more Chinese people, especially in richer areas such as Shanghai and Guangdong, have achieved comprehensive economic emancipation, more and more people have been influenced and inspired by the western society. They have great personal freedom, and their aspirations will begin to develop outward, becoming the demand for civil rights, creative expression, etc. My understanding is that China is also aware of this and has taken positive steps in this direction. For example, Xu Zongheng, mayor of Shenzhen, said that the voting in the future would account for 70% of the residents and village committees in the city.


Therefore, as long as the country keeps paying attention to the changing needs of the people and changes itself at least to a certain extent, the society will develop steadily and achieve long-term stability.


The most important thing is that even in the unlikely situation of tension, the level of tension should be limited, and in my view, it is not enough to challenge the existing order.



Why should we protect wild species? Because complexity and diversity determine ecological stability. China is a vast country with 56 ethnic groups, various dialects and geological regions. This huge and complex system is more stable than any other country in the world. China has the same area as Europe and the same population as all developed countries combined. Therefore, a reasonable comparison should be made between Chinese civilization and European civilization. China is a civilized country, not a nation-state, while European civilization has many nation-states. If the EU is successfully integrated, then the EU and China are both civilized countries.


If you compare China with Europe, which country is more stable? Europe has the problem of Brexit and PIG finance. The actuary believes that modern Christian civilization should include the Middle East and North Africa, as well as all developed countries, because the West dominates the economy and politics of these regions. In this case, we should compare Chinese civilization with western civilization. Both the Middle East and the refugee crisis should be regarded as destabilizing factors of Western civilization.


China is the most stable country. It has withstood huge external and internal shocks, and still exists in the past two thousand years. Other civilizations have been affected by these factors. For example, the Western colonial era wiped out all other civilizations except China.


The 2008 financial tsunami has had a huge impact on every country. Since then, China's GDP has more than doubled, while many other countries are still struggling endlessly. Now do you see China as stable or unstable?



First of all, all the problems in China also exist in most countries and regions, even in the states. Problems ≠ instability.


Second, whether it is stable depends on how you define the word "stable". For Chinese people, no war+material and spiritual satisfaction=stability; For the government, no riot+no reaction=stability. In addition, most people are not interested in politics because it is too complicated.


Third, not only has the CPC taken some measures to put the country on the right track, but the ruling parties of other countries have also learned and taken these measures. If today's ruling party is another party, they will have the same problem, and they will also take some measures to solve this problem.


In addition, I would also like to mention that most foreigners think that Chinese people, especially those in Chinese Mainland, know nothing about the outside world, but the fact is that they all know what happens abroad. They can also obtain information from other channels.


Many politicians deliberately exaggerate China's instability, but China and the United States are still in effective governance, and no third country can match. Don't look at the two sides fighting hard. Both sides have achieved effective governance for a long time.


The extremely different systems between the two sides are only the skin, and the same effective governance is the core.


The main characteristics of effective governance are that it can be done well, its development has continuity, it has an ideology recognized by the people, and the society is generally stable. The simplest result is that the country is still moving forward. In fact, although both sides do not recognize each other's systems and models, they regard each other as the most important opponent and partner, which shows this point.


In any case, Chinese society is stable - at least for now.


中国网友Tony Gao的回答

I strongly agree with William. As a person born in China but currently living elsewhere, according to my experience, most Chinese people have relatively complex and subtle views on political issues.


China does not worship India, Russia or Brazil; In the eyes of most Chinese people, their future is the same as that of the United States, South Korea, Japan and Western European countries. I believe that if China's living standard is comparable to that of India, Brazil or Russia, and the long-term growth rate is low, most Chinese people will not want the so-called Western-style democracy.


What most Chinese people are very clear is that the percentage of per capita GDP in most regions of the world in the per capita GDP of the United States is the same as that of a century ago, but most Westerners do not realize this. They are just keeping up with technological progress, not really catching up. The only country in the whole region to break this pattern is East Asian countries, all of which have experienced authoritarian transition. Not that all countries must go through this process; This model is applicable to every East Asian country, which has common characteristics in terms of culture and social organization.


Therefore, as long as this system can play its role, most Chinese people maintain a supportive attitude towards it. At least so far, it has shown that it is very capable of doing this. If you think about it, just 20 years ago, everyone was confined to a specific office unit. There was no organization outside all e-commerce states/governments, and everyone applied for a birth permit. Although today China is expected to have the largest Christian population in the world in a very short time, and a variety of non-governmental organizations and views are dazzling, But this shows how strong the country's adaptability is.


There are other things. The problem of how stable China is is inseparable from the strength of Chinese nationalism and nationalism; This is not unique to China. All East Asian countries are plagued by excessive racial awareness and nationalism. These countries introduced Herbert Spencer social Darwinism B.S. in the Victorian era to strengthen their national consciousness and fight against colonialism and the inferiority complex of the West.


I think few Westerners understand this point: the honor of a country/civilization is still a major event outside the western world. It explains why Putin is so popular, why Japan doesn't apologize for the atrocities of World War II, why Koreans keep asking Google to rename the Sea of Japan, why Koreans always think they are descendants of Mongols.


If the future dynamics of a country's politics and social population change, so that the free elites (they are free elites, not free masses) in cities are regarded as "traitors" of Westernization by the working class and the peasantry class, then their situation is the same as that of Weimar Germany, which is extremely dangerous. However, in general, I think you will find that, Chinese nationalism is surprisingly rational and stable most of the time. It will only evolve into xenophobia when some perceived insults damage the national honor.




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