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新闻来源: 知识万物 于2023-07-16 22:48:37  提示:新闻观点不代表本网立场



This is the result of multiple factors working together, but most importantly, the Japanese are better at promoting their culture than the Chinese.


In January, my roommate went to Berlin to attend a Culture of Japan Festival. As a super fan of Culture of Japan, she invited a less interested friend to go with her. They returned with excited smiles. The girl who went with her commented that she had never thought 'it would be so interesting.'


My Spanish pen pal was made by me during my university years and has been in touch since I first wrote a letter as a Chinese Western combination. She visited China in 2014 and went to Japan after her honeymoon. From 2014 to 2018, she traveled to Japan every year. Recently, she told me that she will stay in Japan for another month in the spring, but this time it's not "sightseeing, we only plan to stay there for one month


In 2010, I lived abroad in Japan for one semester myself. That was almost 8 years ago, but deep down in my heart, I always wanted to go back, as if something was calling me.


Overall, Japan is clean and orderly, and people are known for their politeness and respect. On the other hand, China is undergoing a painful transition from a developing country to a developed country. Chinese tourists do not have a good reputation outside of China, let alone they are struggling with pollution.


The Japanese people have never stopped showcasing their culture in new forms. For example, the Japanese elements in Japanese anime are deeply ingrained, they are not abrupt, but you will appreciate their existence. China is also striving to promote Chinese culture worldwide, but the script has hardly changed. I can't think of a new cultural product that can better reveal Chinese culture in recent years.


Japanese products are known for their quality, while Chinese products are known for their quantity.


People generally believe that Japanese food is both healthy and fashionable. Chinese takeout is very delicious! Girls post their filtered Japanese lunches on Instagram. Unfortunately, no one would do such a thing for pancakes and fried noodles from street vendors. (However, I insist that they are commendable!)


There are quite a few good Chinese restaurants in Berlin, but the brand of the restaurant is very unsightly. Are you serious? The interior decoration is usually very rough. In contrast, I prefer the style of the places in Japan that I often visit, and since I don't read Japanese, I can't detect if their names are equally ugly.


People seem to prefer Culture of Japan to Chinese culture, which does not mean that Chinese culture itself is inferior to Culture of Japan. I may be biased, but I do believe that Chinese culture is much more than what he showcases.


Culture of Japan is consistent. It is easier to focus on and create brands. They are continuing to create more brands. Chinese culture is more diverse, and so far, almost every attempt they make has been an ambitious' combination '. But if you want to take everything, you are destined to lose something.


Imagine ourselves as salespeople. The Chinese department clearly needs a clearer cultural promotion supervisor to understand what they want and develop better marketing strategies accordingly.



For foreigners? The foreign countries here actually mean the United States and any country deeply influenced by American media.


After the war, the United States participated heavily in Japan's daily management. They attempted to irreversibly link Japan and the United States economically through large loans and favorable trade agreements. They also export important parts of American culture (such as baseball) to Japan through their own presence and imports.


This played a significant role, and by the 1980s, Japan was considered a prosperous economy. It is also a source of a large number of electronic products and consumer goods exported to the United States and other regions of the world. In addition, some cliches of their culture are exported together with Nintendo and Personal stereo. Culture of Japan is considered "cool". People are creative and work hard. Most of them may have been severely distorted, but people still feel that they understand Japan.


On the other hand, in the first decades of the past, China has been regarded as a Communist state, and the isolation policy means that the voice of the Chinese people in the world is against it. The desire for wealth in the early stages of development led to the production of a large number of low-quality goods, which is the only basis for many people to judge China. China is still being demonized to some extent.


After China gradually became stronger, those who supported Western foreign policy disliked China even more because China would not yield to the United States in Southeast Asia or similar matters. China supports governments that do not bow to US foreign policy in their region or anywhere else. Those who support Western foreign policy (which I call imperialism) oppose China because China will not accept Western orders to defend itself and other countries that cannot defend itself.


For this reason, Japan is more popular because its government openly supports Western decisions and follows the Western line in certain matters, such as the largest presence of the United States in Asia, at least verbally supporting every war of the United States, supporting sanctions against the "regime" and decisions that Western governments do not like (sanctions against Russia), and so on.



From the stereotypes of Western Europeans:


The Japanese were the Nazis in Asia before World War II. In those days, we obviously preferred Chinese people over Japanese people (unless you were a Nazi).


Strangely, they still look a bit like Germans in Asia because their products are considered expensive but of high quality. China is still largely associated with cheap goods - whether reasonable or not.


Japan is considered innocent. China is considered dirty. Traveling Japanese people are considered cultured and polite. Chinese travelers are rude upstarts who doodle on ancient monuments.


Japan has many cultural aspects that are well exported around the world. Movies, especially animations.


To a large extent, the mainstream Chinese film culture only has kung fu; Derivative and repetitive, with almost no international appeal.


But that's how it is now. In a few years, the situation may be vastly different, and things are changing at an astonishing rate.


But for myself, I have been to China and Japan. Our whole family has been on vacation in Japan recently. Japan is very good, it is clean, safe, and the food is good. Many temples are made of wooden structures and are very beautiful.


However, there are several things I prefer about China: the food is too monotonous, and there is no Japanese food variety that can be compared to the Chinese food scene.


People are not as helpful as Chinese people. I am traveling with my wife and two children (aged 6 and 2). Sometimes when we travel by train/subway, we have several pieces of luggage. Therefore, at a nearby train station without an elevator, I had to have my wife go upstairs and live with the children. I had to walk back and forth several times on the flight to move all our luggage.


No one, actually no one has provided help. The same applies to local trains. The train was filled with people, and if we didn't have seats, we would have to stand there holding our children. No one has ever given us a seat. I'm not saying that someone must give up their seats for us/or our toddlers and mothers. But this is in stark contrast to our experience in China. In the subway, people always give up their seats to toddlers/mothers.



Like others, I believe that 'foreigners' refer to non Chinese and non Japanese people.


Many people have shared great ideas! It's really interesting to read and understand how our own culture and knowledge influence our perspectives. I think as a French person, my views may differ greatly from what I have read, so let me share my views.


Firstly, I would like to make it clear that although my university degrees were in Mandarin, Chinese culture, history, art, and literature, I have never lived in Japan and have not delved into Japanese culture. Therefore, I only wish to report some facts that I have seen or lived in while experiencing Japanese and Chinese culture.


Many people here comment on the dirty hygiene, lifestyle, and thoughtlessness of the Chinese people, while in Japan, the opposite is true. Have you ever tried to understand the reasons behind the habit of Chinese people spitting everywhere?


I believe that if you stay there for a period of time, you will understand. Have you ever woken up feeling your throat or nose blocked by pollution? In many countries, when our noses are blocked, we just... blow paper towels on our noses, right? I remember a Chinese friend explaining to me that in traditional Chinese medicine, clearing the throat and spitting everywhere are considered more beneficial to health than blowing the nose! I don't know if this is true, but it may explain some things. In Japan, as far as I recall, blowing your nose or spitting in public is not appropriate, as it makes people around you more comfortable.


Japan's soft power has been carefully considered and developed, and is a true art. They actually output certain aspects of their rich culture (comics, anime, music, philosophy of life, food, etc.), but do not excessively showcase their "real life"! Japan has a lovely part that controls exoticism, which many "foreigners" like. With their pleasant manners, you never know if they really respect or mock you. Do you feel deeply accepted in Japan? This is a real problem because I haven't encountered such a lucky person yet.


In China, people do not feel embarrassed by these boring things, they hardly greet a stranger, and sometimes even behave rudely... from the perspective of a foreigner. Japanese polite behavior may be more enjoyable for us because they are more Westernized and obedient to others. So I fully understand why some people feel better living in Japan or China. I just personally prefer the behavior of Chinese people, and I think they are more sincere in their relationships. Regarding China's soft power... I must say they should work hard. Many Chinese people do not understand my interest in their extremely rich culture, but are willing to promote it.


However, please do not forget that we believe that many things about Japanese culture and history actually come from China. Yes, they have comics, music, philosophy of life, cuisine, and so on. For many years, the Japanese people have adapted them to their own culture, but I believe this is not a "detail" that should be forgotten.


As someone said, it's very smart! The United States' view of Japan must have played an important role in promoting this "clean, polite, smooth, and cultured" Japanese concept. As we all know, the United States does not like Socialist state so much, so it is not surprising that they prefer Japan, so they got all the help. Nowadays, China seems to not accept all the rules set by Americans.


My final idea is that although we may prefer one country over another, it is important not to forget to try to understand other cultures, live there, not be arrogant, and then express personal opinions.


As for myself, I prefer living in China with its vast cultural and racial diversity, landscapes, cuisine, traditions, art (yes, they even have interesting modern art), humanity, history, architecture, and more, all of which are so rich and impressive!





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