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评论人:cxy1223 [★品衔R5★] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年11月24日 7:31:02 【回复】
No, they do. Many come from the Bible. David is obviously a biblical name. So you need to learn. You came here to study, right? So study and learn the culture. If you insist on using only Chinese, then China is your best choice.
看起来和你的差不多是吧?但是除了google的更符合英语的语言习惯外,它还修正了你的两个错误,you are here to study和insist Chinese。google的结果大概是ielts 6分,就是没有大错误,语言基本通顺,但是缺乏复杂的语法结构。你的大概是5.5分。
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评论人:电光石火 [♂☆★声望品衔8★☆♂] [个人频道] [个人动态] 发送时间: 2023年11月24日 9:09:00 【回复】
You rely on google translation to reply me and have the courage to criticize me. You are laughable.
用谷歌翻译来回答我,真的你哪里来的自信, 那你还可以chatGPT呢,真的那个更好用,我都用那个改。。。行吧,那你也可以用你的中文然后谷歌翻译一下在贴回来回答我。
Well, to prove you really understand what I am talking about, how about you tell me the story of David from the Bible, who is this David I am talking about?


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